خط إنتاج أطباق البيض | آلة صينية البيض

Egg Tray Production Line comprises a comprehensive set of equipment: an egg tray pulper, egg tray machine, egg tray dryer, hot pressing machine, and egg tray packing machine. These components work seamlessly together to ensure a smooth and integrated production process from start to finish.

The egg carton making production line is capable of handling a wide range of output, with a capacity ranging from 1,000 to 8,000 pieces per hour. This flexibility allows businesses to scale operations according to market demands and production requirements.

Overall, this comprehensive system is designed to deliver reliable, cost-effective solutions, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to enhance their production capabilities while ensuring superior product quality.

Egg Tray Forming Machine Working Video

What are the raw materials in the egg tray production line?

In an egg carton production line or egg tray machine, the main raw materials are waste paper and water.

Waste paper, which includes various types such as newspapers, cardboard boxes, magazines, and office paper, is crucial for recycling and sustainability. By utilizing these recycled materials, we significantly reduce environmental impact and promote eco-friendly practices.

Water is equally essential in the production process. It is used for soaking and pulping the waste paper, transforming it into a workable pulp. Additionally, water helps dilute the pulp to the right consistency, ensuring that the material can be effectively molded into high-quality egg cartons or trays.

This combination of waste paper and water facilitates an efficient and environmentally responsible production process.

egg tray machine raw materials
egg tray machine raw materials

Finished products from egg tray machine production line

توفر آلة خط إنتاج أطباق البيض الخاصة بنا مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات النهائية عالية الجودة التي تلبي احتياجات التغليف المختلفة.

تنتج الآلة متعددة الاستخدامات صواني البيض بأحجام مختلفة، وصناديق البيض للنقل الآمن، وصواني الحضانة لزراعة النباتات، وصواني النبيذ لحماية الزجاجة، وصواني فناجين القهوة للحمل المريح، والصواني الطبية للتخزين المعقم، وصواني الفاكهة لعرض المنتجات الطازجة، والتخصيص - صواني ورقية مصنوعة خصيصًا لتلبية متطلباتك المحددة.

This ensures efficient production of packaging solutions for multiple industries, guaranteeing both product safety and convenience.

final products of egg tray production line
final products of egg tray production line

Egg carton production line main equipment

The egg box production line process is a systematic approach to manufacturing egg trays from waste paper. It involves several key steps and machines, including egg tray pulping, molding, drying, pressing, and packing process.

ستوفر Shuliy Machinery خط إنتاج كامل لصناديق البيض بتكاليف تنافسية، ومعدات عالية الجودة، وخدمات احترافية لتلبية احتياجاتك.

egg tray making machine plants
egg tray making machine plants

1. علبة البيض اللب

The paper egg tray pulper from Shuliy offers numerous advantages. Utilizing advanced technology and high-quality materials, it efficiently converts waste paper into the desired pulp, ensuring optimal performance and effectiveness in the production process.

إنها تتمتع بقدرة معالجة قوية ويمكنها التعامل مع أنواع ونوعيات مختلفة من نفايات الورق. سيكون لديك عملية فصل مستقرة لللب، مما يقلل الحاجة إلى التدخل اليدوي وإدخال المياه. ومع حماية البيئة، يمكن أيضًا تحقيق الطاقة.

علبة البيض اللب
علبة البيض اللب

2. ماكينة صينية البيض

In the egg box production line, our egg tray forming machine shapes egg tray products from paper pulp efficiently and reliably. Choosing our egg tray machine means investing in a tool that offers stability and high performance, ensuring significant returns in the egg tray market.

Firstly, the machine is easy to operate, allowing you to produce high-quality paper trays with ease and efficiency.

Secondly, our paper pulp molding machine guarantees that each egg tray has a consistent shape and quality, enhancing the competitiveness of your product.

Additionally, we offer customized solutions to meet the diverse production needs and requirements of different scales, ensuring that our equipment fits seamlessly into your operations.

ماكينة صينية البيض
ماكينة صينية البيض

3. مجفف صينية البيض

يتم استخدام مجفف أطباق البيض لتجفيف أطباق البيض الرطب بكفاءة وضمان جودتها. بفضل تقنية التجفيف المتقدمة، يقدم مجفف أطباق البيض الخاص بنا العديد من المزايا.

Paper tray drying methods for paper egg tray drying machines generally include natural drying, drying chambers, brick dryers, metal dryers, and more. If you’re unsure which method is best for you, reach out to us for expert advice.

مجفف صينية البيض
مجفف صينية البيض

4. ماكينة ضغط صينية البيض

The primary function of the hot pressing machine is to press dried cartons or crates, enhancing their flat surfaces to achieve a neater and more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

With our egg tray hot pressing machine, you can elevate the quality of your egg trays, enhance their market appeal, and ultimately achieve your targets in the egg tray manufacturing industry.

ماكينة ضغط صينية البيض
ماكينة ضغط صينية البيض

5. ماكينة تعبئة اطباق البيض

Packing is the final step in the egg tray production process. The egg tray packing machine in the production line automatically stacks, aligns, and packages the egg trays. It then wraps and secures the packaging materials.

The egg tray packing machine efficiently compresses and packs egg trays, reducing storage volume and simplifying transportation.

ماكينة تعبئة علب البيض
ماكينة تعبئة علب البيض

Technical parameters of the egg tray machine

نموذجسعةاستهلاك الورقاستهلاك الماءالطاقة المستخدمةعامل
دبليو جي-3*11000 قطعة/ساعة80 كجم/ساعة160 كجم/ساعة38 كيلو واط/ساعة3-4
دبليو جي-4*11500-2000 قطعة/ساعة120 كجم/ساعة240 كجم/ساعة38 كيلو واط/ساعة3-4
دبليو جي-3*42000-2500 قطعة/ساعة200 كجم/ساعة400 كجم/ساعة55 كيلو واط/ساعة4-5
دبليو جي-4*42500-3000 قطعة/ساعة240 كجم/ساعة480 كجم/ساعة60 كيلو واط/ساعة4-5
دبليو جي-4*84000-5000 قطعة/ساعة320 كجم/ساعة640 كجم/ساعة95 كيلو واط/ساعة3-4
دبليو جي-5*85000-6000 قطعة/ساعة400 كجم/ساعة800 كجم/ساعة95 كيلو واط/ساعة3-4
دبليو جي-6*86000-7000 قطعة/ساعة480 كجم/ساعة960 كجم/ساعة120 كيلو واط/ساعة3-4
معلمات آلة كرتونة البيض

Benefits you will get from our egg carton production line

  • High production capacity. Efficiently produces between 1,000 and 8,000 egg trays per hour, accommodating both small and large-scale operations.
  • براعه. Capable of manufacturing various products including egg trays, egg boxes, fruit trays, and custom paper trays, meeting diverse packaging needs.
  • Advanced technology. Features automated controls and precise temperature management for consistent quality and minimal downtime.
  • عملية صديقة للبيئة. Utilizes eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient processes, aligning with sustainable practices and reducing operational costs.
  • Comprehensive support. Includes installation assistance and ongoing technical support, ensuring prompt solutions to any issues and smooth, efficient operations.

اتصل بنا

In conclusion, our Egg Tray Production Line offers exceptional performance, efficiency, and flexibility, catering to a wide range of production needs.

Each component of the production line, including the egg tray pulper, forming machine, dryer, and packing machine, is available for separate purchase, allowing you to customize your setup according to your specific requirements.

Additionally, our egg tray machines come in various capacities and models, ensuring that you can select the perfect solution to meet your production goals and optimize your operations. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss your needs and discover how our equipment can enhance your production capabilities.

آلة صينية البيض التجارية
آلة صينية البيض التجارية